Dellbulldog logo - Bulldog with rose in mouth surrounded by NM sun

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Reference and links

The Blueposts
Site no longer available.
ON-LINE RESOURCE for titles etc of over 8,000 Bulldogs.
For champions, performance titles, and Hall of Fame.
drop down box - select category - then click on name of dog.
(if you type in the name DELL, you will get all dogs with names or owners with DELL in it - such as, DELLITEBULL)
BULLDOG CLUB OF AMERICANothing is more important to the BCA than the welfare and perpetuation of the English Bulldog
BULLDOG CLUB OF NEW MEXICOThe CBC is the only Bulldog club in New Mexico (also resource for New Mexico rescue)
Site no longer available.
The BCA Rescue Network, Inc. is a non-profit organization that has more than 100 active volunteers nationwide who love the Bulldog breed and are dedicated to its continued well-being

Albuquerque Veterinary Information

Manzano Animal Clinic
1041 Juan Tabo NE
Mon-Fri  8am-7pm

Albuquerque Emergency Animal Hospitals

Albuquerque Animal Emergency Clinic 4000 Montgomery NE  (southside - east of Carlisle)

Albuquerque Dog Training Schools

Acoma Dog Training
(Trish Spradley)
Puppy classes - obedience - agility - handling
333 Wyoming SE (south of Zuni)
Albuquerque Kanine Kollege
(Evi Fox)
11607 Menaul NE (between Juan Tabo and Tramway) (505)275-6623
Kindergarten - obedience - agility - tracking
Sandia Dog Training 7050 San Pedro NE   (east side - north of San Antonio
Puppy - obedience - conformation - agility

All content (except where specifically noted) is copyright © 2004-2024 Donald & Barbara Dell.
The Dell's may be contacted via the contact page.
Questions or comments not related to the content of this site (scripting, html, etc) may be directed to the webmaster.